A nice word also opens the ancient gates…


A nice word opens all doors…

My aunt…

My aunt lived in an old one-story house… In the yard…

As children, my brother and I often went to her place… We were led by our mother… When we rang the bell from outside the ancient gate, we waited for a few minutes…

It took our old aunt that long to unlock the door…


While we were waiting for her, my brother and I followed her with our eyes, through the letter slot…

The ancient gate was big and powerful… You can feel the energy of the people who made the gate by hand back then… It was gray in color…


Ancient gates…

Our city is full of such wooden gates… The central part of the city… Everything is handmade and they look beautiful… Visually warm, powerful, and massive…

Every antique gate is the same, but different… It boils down to more than 100 years ago, the gates were made by hand…

Like most building parts…

And the gates had a system for their locking, knocking… And they looked beautiful…


Maintains ancient gates …

The biggest problem and damage is that such gates are not maintained… They are rotten, cracked, or have cracked paint… The monks have no money for themselves, let alone for their maintenance…

They need help from the local community, the City of Slavonski Brod…


That would be smarter and more profitable than spending money on unimportant things, such as fireworks, various unnecessary events…


In our city of Slavonski Brod, in addition to maintaining the ancient gates, the City Administration needs to co-finance the decoration of the facade…

At least in a protected city zone…


This is how the city center looks like a barn…


Ancient gates/Internal-External links within this website:

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Problem/Location: Ancient gates/Slavonski Brod/Croatia

I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving problems in your city …


In other words, do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with that topic?



“As much as you invest in the improvement of the city, you get as much back…


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo: Dusko Medakovic, pixabay,


Ancient gates
Ancient gates






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