Roof, sloping or flat …

glass, pitched roof


Roof …

When prehistoric people lived in natural caves, it was the cheapest and best…

They had shelter from bad weather and the caves protected them from wild beasts…


The whole “house” was made of one part, like an Eskimo house, the walls connected to the roof…


Sloping or …

Today’s buildings have flat, sloping or combined roofs…

Pitched roofs in traditional long-term construction exist and are still being built today… Mostly in family residential houses…


Such buildings have a smaller volume of the attic for heating. At the same time, these interior spaces are aesthetically more beautiful and pleasant than classic floors, such as the ground floor or first floor…


Of course, they are also more difficult to design because of the limited vertical dimensions…

But that’s why they look tamer and more elegant from the outside…



Flat roofs give the exterior visual sharpness and coolness… No matter what the purpose of the building is…

Recently, family houses with flat roofs are also being built… They must have a special architectural composition, as if they were made of “Lego blocks”…


They must be of high quality, due to the greater possibility of rainwater penetration or excessive heating of the attic floor… When a flat roof is planted with green natural plants, it drowns in the environment, rests the eyes, gives more oxygen in the urban space…


Let’s not forget that there are other types of roofs and roof shapes… Thatched, stone, wooden, leather, vaulted, domed…

Each gives a certain charm to the building on which it is located…


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Problem/Location: Roof/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “…flat roof?” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Google, Pixabay, Pinterest

tile, pitched roof
tile, pitched roof




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