The stadium canopies are falling…


Why, why, why…


Honestly, I have to admit that I was never clear about the slopes of the stadium canopies

Of course, I understand the design of the sports complex… But more attention should be paid to the comfort of the spectators… Why would the sunshine in their eyes, rain fall on them, wind blow, …


What’s the problem?


The problem is the counter slope of the stadium canopies… Maybe I don’t have any knowledge about the reasons for such a slope… Or none of my colleagues takes proper account of it…


Stadium canopies…

What is the function of stadium canopies?

Primarily to protect spectators, seats, and other equipment from rain, snow, ice, sun, wind, and other natural disasters… Of course, the creation of a stadium canopy also gives the overall aesthetic impression of a sports stadium…


But then why are the slopes of the canopies, designed and made so that as much atmosphere as possible goes directly to the spectators… I can’t believe that it is a matter of ignorance of the profession…


Maybe there is not enough thought about this problem… So the direction of the slope of the sports pitches is automatically determined by stadium canopies

The shapes of canopies are diverse and creative, but…


The solution, in sight, or…

Let’s take a good look at the attached cross-section, the standard position of the roof stadium canopy…

Let’s take a good look at the attached cross-section and the new position of the roof stadium canopy (1)


What’s the difference? In the counter-inclination of the roof stadium canopy… From the new position of the roof stadium canopy (1), it is evident that the area for the negative impact of atmospheric conditions on spectators and equipment has been reduced…

Changing the slope of the stadium canopy does not disturb the viewing angle of the spectators toward the sports field…


So what’s the problem then… Not that I want to say I’m sharp, but…


And what does the City Administration do …

Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?


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Problem/Location: Stadium canopies/Croatia-Slavonski Brod

I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving problems in your city …


In other words, do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with that topic?



“Colleagues, let’s try to solve the stadium canopies more functionally…


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … pixabay, Dusko Medakovic, arch.


Marsonia-stadium, sbplus
Marsonia-stadium, sbplus






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