Who and why is destroying the promenade with ugly graffiti …

Who and why is destroying the promenade with ugly graffiti

We, as children, once about 50 years ago, drew with chalk on the promenade of our city…


There were all kinds of beautiful drawings, appropriate for our age, but there were no ugly graffiti

In our city, a lot is drawn disorganized but also organized …


This year, the 14th Graffiti Fest was held in Slavonski Brod.

There are a lot of drawings on the promenade along the Sava River …


They are most beautiful, but there are also ugly graffiti

Unfortunately, a month ago, ugly graffiti appeared on our central promenade … A man unknown to me, and a technique unknown to me …


The topic was “The city and the metal processing industry.  All on the occasion of marking the hundredth anniversary of the metal processing industry in Slavonski Brod“.

The photo was taken by photographer Sime Strikoman as part of the Millennium Faces cycle.  And the character that was filmed was Alexandar Ehrmann.

He was the founder of the First Yugoslav Wagon, Machine and Bridges Factory d.d. and the owner of Slavonia d.d.

The mentioned Aleksandar Ehrmann is an indispensable person in the history of the metal processing and wood industry in Slavonski Brod.
And that between the two world wars “, as reported by the local web portal 035.


It remains unclear why this was done in such away. It is probable that the ugly graffiti in question can only be seen from the plane …

We also enclose a picture of Alexander, for comparison with failed and ugly graffiti


At the same time, it remains unclear why under the ugly graffiti, writes Alexander, and not Alexandar. So it says on Google search engine …

Why doesn’t the City Administration control it regularly?


Problem/Location: ugly graffiti /City of Slavonski Brod, Croatia


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Sime Strikoman, Portal035, Ivica Galovic/Pixell, Vecernji list,


aerial view of ugly graffiti
aerial view of ugly graffiti


reverse-look-at-ugly graffiti from the ground
ugly graffiti from the ground


look at ugly graffiti from the ground
look at ugly graffiti from the ground


google photo Aleksandar Ehrmann
google photo Aleksandar Ehrmann


Here you can see:

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  • architectural drawing legend
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  • communal buildings and equipment
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  • communal infrastructure


I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action. Especially, in order to point out something similar to the competent Services …

All with the goal of living in a clean, beautiful, and healthy environment …


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Do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with ugly graffiti?


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….

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  1. arch. Dusko Medakovic


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