Maker Faire at the Technical School…


“Still moving…

Maker Faire in the USA…

“Maker Faire was created in the USA as “The largest exhibition and presentation show on Earth”, which means that Maker Faire is, on the one hand, a fair of inventors, on the other hand, a kind of fair, and at the same time something completely new. It is a family festival of innovation, creativity, and technology.


Here, creators gather to present their projects to the general public. Makers are DIY enthusiasts who want to experiment and enjoy what they do, creative minds, tech enthusiasts, and all ages.


They are curious, but also mediators of knowledge: they learn and love to share their inventions and experiences. For some exhibitors, attending Maker Faire is also the beginning of success.


“Touch and try” is the main priority. At every MF, there are many interesting hands-on stations, complemented by exciting lectures and workshops. Children and students become creative and playful with science and technology, and joyful handling of materials and tools inspires them.”


Maker Faire at the Technical School…

“On June 16, 2023, the 1st edition of the #MakerFaireSlavonskiBrod – festival of innovation, creativity, and technology was held at the Slavonski Brod Technical School within the framework of the RCK Slavonika 5.1 project.


We hope that all visitors to the unique #MakerFaire got an insight into the future of jobs in the field of mechanical engineering and Industry 4.0.


For all future activities related to workshops and education for the purpose of bringing technical science closer to citizens, visit the website of our school club for digital fabrication #FabLabSlavonika”


What awaits us in the future…

It scares me to think…


Maker Faire/Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my similar pages:

open here, open here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”

Business page:

And the Google:


Problem/Location: Maker Faire/Croatia, Slavonski Brod

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Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


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“The world rests on the young …”


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo: FabLab Slavonika, 

The-headmistress-of-the-technical-school -opens-the-event-maker-faire
The-headmistress-of-the-technical-school -opens-the-event-maker-faire








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