Dangerous, secured conditions for comfortable bathing at your own risk 2021.

Dangerous, secured conditions for comfortable bathing at your own risk 2021.

We have a beautiful sandy river beach… Poloj. But bathing is at your own risk


For our bathing, at its own risk, the City of Slavonski Brod has provided us with conditions…

… Mandatory entrance fees for personal vehicles, catering and sports facilities, arranged access to the beach, locker rooms, showers, rental of deck chairs and water toys, rescue services,…


What does the Warning on the board mean: “Bathing at your own risk“? Who will be to blame if one of the swimmers /non-swimmers gets injured, drowns…

We seniors used to swim on that Beach, but without that Warning, and in larger numbers…

Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?


Problem/Location: bathing risk /City of Slavonski Brod, Croatia


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Dusko Medakovic


Here you can see a portfolio of architectural photographs and photographs of unarranged and arranged architectural drawings and landscape designs / neglected / devastated architectural / construction / buildings / utilities / equipment / public spaces / infrastructure and the like, which need to be edited / rehabilitated / reconstructed / replaced / cleaned. ..:


road_bathing risk
road_bathing risk


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bathing risk_arranged_beach_bathing


bathing risk_dressing room
bathing risk_dressing room


bathing risk_built_showers
bathing risk_built_showers


bathing risk_rescue service
bathing risk_rescue service


bathing risk_warning
bathing risk_warning


LAW ON COMMUNAL ECONOMY („NN“ 68/18, 110/18, 32/20)



Article 106

Fines collected for misdemeanors prescribed by the decision on communal order are the revenue of the budget of the local self-government unit in whose territory the misdemeanors were committed.



Article 107

(1) The tasks of implementing the decision on communal order shall be performed by the administrative body of the local self-government unit determined by the general act of the representative body of the local self-government unit on the organization of administrative bodies (hereinafter: administrative body).

(2) In the implementation of the decision on communal order, the administrative body shall perform the following tasks:

  1. permitting and determining the conditions for the installation of awnings, advertisements, posters, memorial plaques on buildings, and other urban equipment on buildings
  2. permitting and determining conditions for the use of public areas and land owned by the local self-government unit for economic and other purposes, including their temporary use, construction of buildings that are built according to special regulations without a building permit, and the main project
  3. supervision over the implementation of the decision on communal order and
  4. other tasks determined by the decision on communal order.

(3) The administrative body shall also perform other tasks determined by this Act and special law.

Article 108

An appeal may be lodged against administrative acts issued by the administrative body in the performance of activities referred to in Article 107, paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Act, which shall be decided by the administrative body of the county in charge of communal economy affairs, and an appeal against administrative acts issued by the administrative body of the City of Zagreb. the central body of state administration responsible for the affairs of the communal economy, unless otherwise prescribed by a special law.


Article 109

(1) Supervision activities performed on the basis of this Act by an administrative body shall be carried out by communal wardens who are employees of that body.

(2) Communal wardens have the authority to perform supervision prescribed by this Law, the decision on communal order, and special law.

(3) Communal wardens also perform tasks determined by a special law.

Article 110

Local self-government units may, by agreement, organize the joint performance of the duties of communal wardens.

Article 111

(1) A communal warden must have at least a grammar school secondary education or a four-year vocational secondary education.

(2) In performing his official duties, the communal warden shall wear an official uniform and have an official identity card.

(3) The appearance of the official uniform and the appearance and content of the official identity card of the municipal warden shall be prescribed by a representative body of the local self-government unit by a decision.

Article 112

(1) In the implementation of supervision over the implementation of the decision on communal order, the communal warden is authorized:

  1. request and inspect documents (identity card, passport, an excerpt from the court register, etc.) on the basis of which he can establish the identity of the party or legal representative of the party, as well as other persons present during the supervision
  2. take statements from responsible persons in order to obtain evidence of facts that cannot be directly established, as well as from other persons present during the supervision
  3. request in writing from the party the exact and complete data and documentation required in the supervision
  4. collect evidence and establish the factual situation in a visual and another appropriate manner (by photographing, recording with a camera, video, etc.)
  5. perform other actions for the purpose of conducting supervision.

(2) In the implementation of supervision over the implementation of the decision on communal order, the communal warden has the right and obligation to order natural or legal person measures to maintain communal order prescribed by the decision on communal order or other measures prescribed by law.

(3) An indictment for a misdemeanor prescribed by this Act or a decision on communal order determined by the communal warden in supervision shall be submitted by the administrative body.

Article 113

(1) Public bodies and legal and natural persons shall be obliged to enable the municipal warden, without compensation for work and costs, within the time limit determined by them, to carry out supervision and to ensure conditions for uninterrupted work within his powers.

(2) The body is authorized to request the assistance of the police if resistance is offered during the execution of the decision or resistance is reasonably expected.

Article 114

(1) When the municipal warden finds a violation of regulations whose execution he is authorized to supervise, he is obliged to initiate administrative proceedings ex officio and order appropriate measures in accordance with the decision on communal order or special regulation.

(2) When the municipal warden determines that the regulation whose execution he is authorized to supervise has not been violated and therefore there are no conditions for initiating administrative proceedings, he shall notify the known applicant in writing within eight days from the day of establishing the facts.

Article 115

If the party has fulfilled the obligation from the decision on the execution of the communal warden or for another reason the obligation to execute that decision has ceased, the municipal warden ex officio issues a decision on suspension of the procedure of execution of the decision.

Article 116

(1) Measures for the maintenance of communal order prescribed by the decision on communal order shall be ordered by a decision of the communal orderly to the person who violated the decision, ie to the person who is obliged to eliminate the established violation.

(2) If the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article cannot be determined, the decision shall be issued against an unknown person.

(3) If the municipal warden finds a violation of regulations whose enforcement he is authorized to supervise, he may issue a decision without hearing the party.

Article 117

(1) An appeal may be lodged against administrative acts issued by the municipal warden decided by the county administrative body responsible for communal services, and appeals against administrative acts issued by the municipal warden of the City of Zagreb shall be decided by the central state administration body responsible for communal affairs.

(2) An appeal filed against the decision of the communal warden shall not postpone its execution.


I hope that this content has helped you to look back and take appropriate measures against the culprits and the competent services in charge of the bathing risk

All with the aim of eliminating these shortcomings and living in a clean and healthy environment …


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Do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with bathing risk?

Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …


Until reading …….

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  1. Sanja


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