An architect is a wolf to an architect…


The task of architecture is to be pleasant to live, to the body, and to the eye

My architect colleague from work…

It was a long time ago… Back when Slavica and I were working at the company “Projeketbiro”… Even then, even though I am younger than her, I noticed her thoroughness in her work…


I watched and learned from her…

She handled the function of the space… and the design… fantastically.


But, I have a feeling, she always stepped in where she shouldn’t have… And that’s the construction… As if she didn’t want to leave anything to chance…

That’s my comment on her work… that encroachment on the construction…


A thorn in the side of wolves …

Slavica Ulični, an architect, is the best architect in our Brod-Posavina County… In my opinion… That’s why she is a wolf to some colleagues…

Next, I am transmitting a part of the interview from a local portal:

“Architecture is the shaping of space, and that is so that it is pleasing to the body and the eye. Of course, when it comes to the eye, some like it minimalistic, and some like it presentational, but if it’s comfortable for the body… it will certainly not deceive.

And that is the purpose”, my interlocutor gives the shortest definition of her calling in life. He also adds that there are three golden rules in architecture that must be met in the creation of an object, namely function, construction, and form.

The construction should certainly not be questionable, function is the craft part of the architecture, something that shows how capable an architect is in designing a space and how much he adheres to the rules of the trade, while the form is what depends on how much an individual architect “can”. As a rule, the function is the most substantial and most requested part of the design.

“If we manage to satisfy all three in some kind of even ratio, it’s good architecture and will work for most users, and at all times, and when styles change. But very often one is satisfied at the expense of the other, depending on the affinities of the architect and the investor.”

It is a great burden to accept a job that will transform one’s lifelong dream into reality. In architecture, says the expert, spatial awareness is very important, when you see 3 D in your head. It was as if we had a camera in our heads.

With older architects, the spatial vision was highly developed and they were highly respected architects who were adept at drawing these perspective views. The acceptance of the project and the passing of the tender used to depend on this. Today, thanks to technology, everything is accelerated, the computer immediately offers a display and can make corrections and videos”.

Women have a better sense of space…

When asked if architecture is more of a male or female job, I learn that there are still more female architects. “This is expected because women normally have a better sense of space.

When it comes to family houses, they understand much better what they need, how the family lives, and what consequences the organization of space can have, because the house later builds their mutual relationships.

It is very important for a woman to be involved in choosing between those small, but important differences in variant solutions”.


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I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving problems in your city …


In other words, do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with that topic?



“Let’s not be envious, but try to be better…


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Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo: Marija Radosevic, pixabay




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