Architectural criticism of the Eiffel Pyramid … (or madness)

Architectural criticism-glass-pyramid-in-Paris

Architectural criticism of the Eiffel Pyramid and Pie’s glass pyramid. What if it were the other way around…

You don’t have to be an architectural critic to know that the Eiffel Tower is in Paris, and Pie’s glass pyramid is in front of the Louvre Museum…

Nothing, or the same… In time, everyone would get used to the glass Pyramid in Paris, or the Eiffel Tower in front of the Louvre Museum…

And, should it have been like this at all?

Were the authors of these buildings crazy, or were they so far-sighted at the time?

These are not the first, the only, nor the last architectural examples to be criticized… The world is full of them.

The conclusion remains that they occur accidentally and spontaneously, without targeted intent…

On the other hand, today we are all inclined to criticize everything… Regardless of our profession and knowledge…

Not only architectural criticism, but also other branches of art …

Here, for example, I personally don’t like Beethoven’s classical music, nor Picasso’s paintings…

I know I’m not an expert on music or pictures.

This is my personal thing…

But I admit that they are world-class, in quality…

Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?

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Problem/Location: Architectural criticism, Eiffel Pyramid/Paris, Louvre

I hope that this content has helped you to look back and take appropriate measures against the culprits and the competent services in charge of solving similar architectural buildings in your place …

All in order to eliminate these shortcomings and live in a clean and healthy environment …

Do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with Eiffel Pyramid?

Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….

One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo:  , Google,

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