Cave apartment

Cave apartment

“Ancestors …

Study of new houses …

“How to build a cheap family house as soon as possible”… Like a Cave apartment…

That was my task that I set for myself… Somewhere in 1990…


I arranged for a 1:1 scale model to be made at the Furniture and Polyurethane Factory Oriovac…

The system was like that liquid ice cream that pours out of the apartment into a cone… Everything, like The Flintstones…


However, the Homeland War started… In that war, that Factory burned down… Everything failed, including my Idea…


Cave apartment …

The concept of my Studio Cave apartment was to pour an imitation of a cave space from purpen construction foam… Like ice cream from a machine…

The windows would be of various geometric spatial shapes… Self-supporting…

In its entirety, it should be a self-supporting construction, like a dome… The windows would be organically shaped, the doors normal…


From the inside, that space would be plastered with sprayed plaster… On the outside, waterproofing with pebbles should be installed as a protective final layer of the roof…


Soon …

If there is no World War 3, and even if there is, we will return to the caves again…


Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my site, where I write about the Cave apartment as well as here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”

Business page:

And the Google:

Problem/Location: Cave apartment/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “and we are brothers …” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Google, Pixabay, 







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* Graphic design
* Interior design
* Exterior decoration
* Conceptual architectural sketches of high-rise buildings with a 3D view
* Critical review of the functionality and design of architectural achievements of high-rise buildings, business and home devices, …..

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