Flying roofs…


Fly Robin Fly …

Paper kites …

As children in elementary school, we had a subject called Technical Education… It was a beautiful and creative subject… according to the “Your Own Master” system…


Among other things, we learned how to make flying kites…

Like flying roofs, they had a wooden structure and a frame, i.e. a cover… The cover of the kites was paper, and the roofs were shingles, tin,…


To fly kites, you had to wait for light wind, to fly roofs, storms…


Flying roofs …

Let’s look through the history, creation, and development of residential shelters, residential units, family houses, and even more residential buildings… Among other parts, the construction and covering changed…


Underground dwellings and caves had no problems with “flying roofs”…


They began to appear with the appearance of prefabricated wooden family houses… Also with some multi-residential buildings…

In these buildings, light coverings were most often used… Like sheet metal, shingles,…


When strong winds gusted, it often happened that the covering completely flew off the building… like a Turkish flying carpet… Especially, if the eaves and flashings were not made according to the rules of the profession…


Why are light covers used?

I assume that in most cases it is a cheaper cover, or someone conditions it for construction…

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Problem/Location: Flying roofs/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?



“…up, to the sky 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Pixabay


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