How so, future creative architectural technicians in isolation Covid 19 and professor architect 2021 in school …

How so, future creative architectural technicians in isolation Covid 19 and professor architect 2021 in school …

High school student, as a future architect, professor, …


Towards the end of primary school, we had to decide which secondary school to enroll in…


I was a very good student, high school was right in front of my nose, and some of my schoolmates went to it, and so did I.

After the second grade, we had to choose a direction, because our generation was the first to have a focused education…


There were a couple of directions, like natural math, educational, cultural,…


But there was no technical direction, according to which I had an affinity…


Back in elementary school, and later, I loved technical education, spatial and technical drawing, geometry,…

I had to go to another high school, for a construction major, after which I get a certificate of construction technician…


And it was like that…


ect’s return to his school…


After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, employment and military service, I received a call for work, as a professor…


And that in his former school… And that to the very young generation of construction technicians…


On the one hand, I was very glad, but on the other hand, it is also a great responsibility… Will I know it, will I be able to do it…


As a young teacher, at the age of 26, in the first hour, I gave the students a written control of knowledge… from a subject that I did not teach them…

Of course, that it was just a test of knowledge and measuring strength, to know how strong they are in geometry…


This was important to me, because, among other subjects, I taught them Descriptive Geometry…

All that they did not know to the necessary extent, we had to fix… That’s how it was…


I gave my contribution to this school through the creation of its visual identity, on which topic I wrote HERE, as well as designing an entrance approach with a colonnade of reinforced concrete slabs lined up semicircle…


In that school, I was about 5 years… as a part-time teacher… until the beginning of the Homeland War…


Crafts school1
Crafts school1


Transfer of professors to Technical School…


In the new State, sometime in 1998., I was called from the Technical School in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, to teach schoolchildren to acquire the title of construction technician…


I agreed, of course. I love working with children. Then my sons were in those years too…


My attitude towards students, as a teacher, was like towards my children… Apart from vocational subjects, although I was neither their class teacher nor their parent, we also talked about their problems, life, and other things…


I did not like to give negative ratings…. I have always found ways to persuade students to learn something…


That good comes back to good, that’s what they proved to me mat Especially high school graduates… Every generation invited me to their prom parties, sang to me under the window, greeted me in front of the school, lined up, like an army…


Until 2003., when I had to stop teaching due to the transition to a new job and a new duty…



school thank you
thank you


All roads lead to the Technical School…


Yes, destiny knows how to play with our lives, it is nothing new… This year, I was again invited to teach vocational subjects at the Technical School… And to architectural technicians…


How, among other things, to design a beautiful building, which I wrote about HERE… As well as how to make the most of living space, which I wrote about HERE


This time, from the principal Vikica Lukic, B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, who, together with her closest associates, “revived” the school and raised it to a higher level, where “both she and the school” belong.


However, to replace my colleague, who went on sick leave… It doesn’t matter… I agreed and slowly entered the applications that are now used, due to the development of technologies, but also due to the circumstances of the Covid 19 virus pandemic


Students successfully work in programs for architectural drawing, architecture design house, architecture photos, and model…


According to the circumstances and instructions of the Civil Protection Headquarters and the competent Ministry, classes are conducted via Internet links, with a video conference link…


I must admit that I am pleasantly surprised by the kindness of colleagues, but also students of the Technical School, in helping to master these professional applications, because they are still a novelty in my life… But I try .. and I will try to justify the trust shown to me…


The building is made of steel construction, as well as the pedestrian bridge, which I wrote about HERE


technical school
technical school


laptop internet teaching
laptop internet teaching


technical school1
technical school1


Extracurricular recreational art activities…


Our young people are successful students and innovators, and creative souls… I wrote about something similar HERE


They have the will to do something for themselves, their school, the city, and certain institutions in extracurricular activities, in addition to what they have received high recognition for…


And when they rest, they work for all of us, just like we professors… we try to teach them and “isolate” them as much as possible, from everything that is not good, and sometimes to our detriment…


Here you can see graphite portfolio examples:


school wall2


school wall3


I hope this content helped you, about the problems and how to solve them …


Thematic examples are:


Do you have a story about “school” in your city?


Either way, leave your comment.


Until reading …….

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* Graphic design
* Interior design
* Exterior decoration
* Conceptual architectural sketches of high-rise buildings with a 3D view
* Critical review of the functionality and design of architectural achievements of high-rise buildings, business and home devices, …..


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