What is your Cost assessment…


“Nothing is expensive …

The trainee’s first job…

My first job, as a young architect, was to design a ground-floor grocery store… in a certain specific location… Of course…

I had a specific cadastral basis for the parcel in question and a project assignment from the investor… My work was monitored by my now-deceased boss…


I made the graphic part without any problems… However…

Although I did a Cost assessment for imaginary buildings at university, now I have to do it for a future building… It turned out well…


And not only that… And when I was sure that I had made a complete cost estimate, I woke up at night… I remembered some other forgotten items…


It was a nightmare…


Cost assessment …

At the time when I had my own private architectural office, I used a licensed program… For architectural design… It was great… It had automatic dimensioning, at the push of a button…


A three-dimensional display was automatically running in the background…


And of course, the automatic Cost assessment… It was a lifesaver… the worst part of the job for us architects, the program did it by itself…


The worst part of the job…

Today, initiated by a presentation of a Croatian application that creates, albeit not automatically, an invoice, I decided to publish this thematic Blog…


In the end, the students were not interested in the questions, like we teachers, but I’m not surprised at that either…


The cost estimate application has its database of work descriptions, it is connected to the websites of manufacturers of various materials, and equipment…


Connection to some other Cad application, with the possibility of automatically creating material specifications and Cost assessment, remains an option…


Good luck to them…


Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my site, where I write about the Cost assessment as well as here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”



Business page:


And the Google:

Problem/Location: Cost assessment/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “…if you pay with money…” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Google, Pixabay,





812 Post Views


* Graphic design
* Interior design
* Exterior decoration
* Conceptual architectural sketches of high-rise buildings with a 3D view
* Critical review of the functionality and design of architectural achievements of high-rise buildings, business and home devices, …..


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