Cyclists on the footpath…

Mirror_Hundreds-of-cyclists-rode-through-the-streets-of-Cardiff-naked, Image_Wales-News-Service

“I pick, pick grapes, until the guard comes…


We, city children, always played in the yard in front of the building or in our park Klasije… He was close to us…

We all grew up in it…


Our young neighbor Mirta was learning to ride her children’s bicycle in the yard… her dad helped her… He held the bicycle seat for her balance so she wouldn’t fall and ran after her… Then he let her go…


In the yard, we had an iron round stand for cleaning carpets… It was the size of a handball goal…


And, of course, when her dad let her go, our Mirta went straight to that stand… as if she was attracted by some invisible forces… of course, she hit it and fell…


We played in our Park, without bicycles…


Cyclists on the footpath…

Our Park was the most beautiful in our former country of Yugoslavia… It had many types of bushes and trees (deciduous and evergreen) so that during the entire calendar year, something was always blooming and leafing…


Now it is unmaintained and devastated…


After our Homeland War in Croatia, Slavonski Brod received about thirty thousand refugees from the neighboring country of Bosnia and Herzegovina… Of course, they are of different cultures, habits, and upbringings…


That’s how cyclists started to ride on those footpaths… Proudly, they still ring the bell for us pedestrians to get out of the way, so they can pass…


Some uneducated and uncultured elementary school and high school students do not get off their bikes when they come across a pedestrian path… They just run past, so that drivers have to brake suddenly, so as not to collide with them…


These young people do not even know the traffic rules for driving in public traffic… There are still few traffic accidents considering these circumstances…


And, naked cyclists…

We pedestrians, but also drivers, are angry because of those cyclists… The regulations should also be changed, in such a way that you have to undergo training to ride a bicycle in public traffic and then get a bicycle permit…


Of course, we wouldn’t mind naked cyclists and it shouldn’t apply to them…


Just kidding… Of course, the rules must be the same for everyone…


I am of the opinion that in developed countries, it is better regulated…

Maybe they don’t even have to be more orderly states, but with a more cultured population, it’s for sure…


Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my site, where I write about Cyclists on the footpath…, as well as here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”

Business page:

And the Google:

Problem/Location: Cyclists/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “…and when the guard comes, I will pick his grapes…” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Pixabay, Dusko Medakovic, Arch, ActionAid, Google















A woman-cyclist-on-the-pedestrian-path-in-Park-Klasije
A woman-cyclist-on-the-pedestrian-path-in-Park-Klasije


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