Dry public fountains


“When it should, it doesn’t work,

Fishing in the public fountain …

In the nearby Klasije park, there was a public fountain a long time ago… 1965… Rectangular in shape with three water syringes… Approximate floor plan dimensions: 8.00×2.00 m… It was simple and beautiful for that. time… Depth, approx. 100 cm…


Some of the older guys used to swim in it during the summer…

On summer days, she refreshed the surrounding area of ​​the Park… In winter, of course, she did not work…


Someone put a few small fish in that fountain… We, children as children, became hunters… In our minds… But not for long…

The decision was made: We have to catch those fish…


Across the street from that fountain, there was a shop… It sold, among other things, fishing equipment… But we children had no money for equipment…


We made sticks from hazel branches… Instead of silk, we used ordinary thread… And instead of a real fish hook, we used a bent pin…

Of course we didn’t catch anything… We didn’t know anything about fishing…


Dry public fountains …

Today, not far from that Klasije park, there is the main city promenade with a fountain… That fountain works a little, a little… Its elliptical sides let water through and it spilled over the walking surface of the corse… 


Slippery in summer and winter…


The city administration organized its repair, which took too long… And again nothing… Either they are bad craftsmen, or something else is at stake, known only to the mayor…


The public fountain is still dry in times of great climatic heat…


Flower beds instead of fountains …

The other day on Facebook, I suggested that they bury that fountain with earth and plant flowers…


Namely, one fountain was already abolished by the mayor of Slavonski Brod during the reconstruction of Cipelic Park, the third one in Klasije Park is not working…


Currently, out of 4 fountains, only one works, in a roundabout…


Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my site, where I write about the Dry public fountains as well as here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”



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Problem/Location: Dry public fountains/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “and when you don’t need it, it works…” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Dusko Medakovic, Ljubomir Jakovljevic, Google, Pixabay, 













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abandoned_fountain_in front_of_the_city_administration_of_Slavonski_Brod
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