From an architectural souvenir to an architect’s souvenir…


Architect’s souvenir or souvenir of architecture …


As a small child, I enjoyed attending my grandfathers ’workshops… One was a trained tinsmith, the other a trained carpenter…

I immediately took various tools and always made something… I don’t even remember some of my early architect’s souvenirs… It was a long time ago…

What I remember from the earliest years is the participation with my school colleague Zdravko, on the making of a radio transistor.

“It was in elementary school”…

After that, from the spokes of the bicycle wheels, I made a crossbow…

I also remember a bobsled with three skis, which turned around with the front ski, using the legs… Then my neighbor Dule and I made flying kites…

From a strand of hair, I made a device to record changes in humidity in the air…

Tandem bikes, but not one behind the other, but next to each other… It was a spectacle… And so on, and so on…

But, what about Architect’s souvenir?

Predetermined, as an architect …

As a 4-year-old child, I lived in a residential building on the 1st floor … Even then I had a feeling for the load-bearing system of buildings …

At the age of 6, I drew a family house in axonometry …  Isn’t that proof that I was destined to be an architect … Or did I make a mistake in my profession … 

I have always loved graphic design, but I didn’t recognize it in time … Others pointed it out to me …


 Architect’s souvenir…

As children, we played in the mud and made “cannons” out of it… In a square shape, we would make a hole with our finger and spit into it…

Then we would swing on the concrete and probably hear some “shooting”.

I made a linoleum mold in layers, inverse … After I bought the clay and started production in the basement of my building.

This is because the temperature there is the most uniform …

I wanted the architect’s souvenirs to look rustic …

When I made about thirty of them, I painted some and left some in the color of unbaked clay …

After I donated something, gave a little for sale to our local Tourist Office, I still have souvenirs left …

Everything is packed in natural materials…

All in all, I am satisfied…

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Try it yourself, discover the hidden talent in yourself, you may be surprised … Pleasant or unpleasant … irrelevant… Like my architect’s souvenirs


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Dusko Medakovic

clay souvenirs architect’s fortress Slavonski Brod Croatia


souvenirs architect slavonski brod croatia
architect’s souvenir, Slavonski Brod Croatia


clay souvenirs fortress Slavonski Brod Croatia


Slavonski Brod Croatia


architect’s souvenir fortress Slavonski Brod Croatia


clay architect’s souvenir fortress Slavonski Brod Croatia


souvenirs-of-the-fortress-slavonski brod-croatia
the fortress Slavonski Brod Croatia, architect’s souvenir



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* Graphic design
* Interior design
* Exterior decoration
* Conceptual architectural sketches of high-rise buildings with a 3D view
* Critical review of the functionality and design of architectural achievements of high-rise buildings, business and home devices, …..


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