5 reasons and 10 or more ways to creatively arrange plants …

5 reasons and 10 or more ways to creatively arrange plants ...

The soul in plants…


About ten years ago, I became interested in plants.
I never liked anything classic …

I always tried to be different from others…
Creative, more creative …like trademark


So with arranging …


In this post, I will give you the reasons and ways to creatively arrange plants, so that you can bring your soul to plants


forest fragrant cyclamen
forest fragrant cyclamen

Reasons for creative arrangement:


1. show your creativity,
2. be different from others,
3. emphasize the specificity of the plant,
4. attract attention,
5. have double the pleasure


plant ceramic tile
on ceramic tile


Plants in the loggia


I have loved them since I was little …
In the last ten days, I started doing them as a hobby.


I keep most of them in the loggia, where I have crucified the wire mesh.

All of them, unlike the neighboring ones, stay in the loggia over the winter.


Well, because all forest plants are resistant to the continental climate …


plants loggia day
loggia day


tile plants


colorful plants wire net loggia
wire net loggia


plant sock wire net loggia
sock wire net loggia


plants loggia night
loggia night

In the room


I also have some plants in the living room, I wrote about.

Mostly cacti …


And some more climbers and creepers …



I have one in the bathroom too … it doesn’t need a lot of light…


plant rope window
rope window


in bathroom
in the bathroom


cacti in window
cacti in window


cactus bowl room
cactus bowl room


plants creeper branch2
creeper branch2


bottle plant
in bottle


plants creeper branch1
creeper branch1


plants glass table
on glass table


creeper round net
creeper round net


Plants in the yard


One section in front of the building, around a tree, I wrapped a wire mesh.

There will be climbers…

I have jungle-creative chaos in the yard … like in the woods and Park.


Here, each plant fights for its position …



plants network tree
network tree


mini rainforest yard
mini rainforest yard


I hope that this content has helped you to get actively involved in the creative arrangement of your plants.


Thematic examples are:



If you also have a picture of your creations, leave them below in the comments.


Until reading …….


Write your impressions and questions in the comment below:

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