Tourist yachts and architecture design…

Tourist yachts and architecture design

The decision fell …Yachts


My wife tells me: “Let’s go to Medakovic somewhere for the annual, so I can prepare the apartment.”


Go to the yachts



She was already there, so it’s my turn …


Let’s go separately, because I take care of her dogs, and she takes care of my plants



The decision fell … I’m going to the tourist “City that flows” – “Rijeka”, or “River Town” … in tourist Croatia …


You will see the world’s yachts and architecture photography there …


bus station Slavonski Brod
bus station Slavonski Brod

Bus ride …


I decided to travel by bus from Slavonski Brod to Rijeka and that-by night.


The trip lasted a little over five hours.



From the bus, I photographed the accompanying utilities along the highway …



All until I fell asleep, but I didn’t sleep long. We took a break in Zagreb, then continued …


We arrived in the coastal city of Rijeka …


Around 4 o’clock in the morning, we arrived at the bus station …


It was too early to call my hosts to pick me up …



Considering that not a single cafe was open and that there were “strange guys”, I decided to walk along Rijeka’s Korzo with a heavy

suitcase …


inscription plaque mayor Rijeka
inscription plaque mayor Rijeka


architect street
architect street




building like yacht7

Man and cafe terrace …


At around 5 in the morning, a man was preparing the terrace of the cafe for a new working day.


I was already tired and exhausted. He let me sit on the empty terrace until the cafe started working.



I should have had coffee …


And, about six in the morning, the waitress came. I also honored my benefactor, whom I invited for a drink …



Seagulls and people began to wake up …


The man, after a short story, went to his house …


Rijeka Corso
Rijeka Corso


terrace cafe
terrace cafe


Rijeka Corso dance
Rijeka Corso dance


fountain Corso
fountain Corso

Joker call …


Around half-past eight in the morning, I called my niece, that I had arrived in Rijeka and that she could pick me up …


She quickly came for me with her two-year-old son and small dog …



We went to her house, at 600 meters above sea level …



Unpacking, resting, then chatting…


In the afternoon, her husband came home from work…




Tourist yachts and architecture photography examples…


I was in Rijeka for 7-8 days …


I had a nice rest, regardless of the fact that I am a pensioner …



We were also at the ski center Platak about 1200 meters above sea level … I froze and caught a cold – in the middle of summer …


It was windy …



I walked and walked along Rijeka’s Korzo and the marina …


Photographed and photographed …



Yachts as floating buildings, and buildings as yachts


Dear tourists, come to us again …



wooden bridge Platak
wooden bridge Platak






yacht seagull
yacht seagull


a building like a yacht 6


yachts 2


a building like a yachts 10


yachts 5


a building like yacht 8


ship hotel
ship hotel


I hope this content has helped you look at yachts and buildings with different eyes in the future.


Yachts as floating buildings, and buildings as yachts



Thematic examples are:


If you also have a picture of your floating buildings, leave them below in the comments.


Until reading, nice greetings …



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