The origin of life, like a casino…



Children’s exploration of the sky …

As children we played in many creative ways…  From making and flying kites to looking at the stars using a telescope…

And my namesake neighbor, he was very creative… We went to upper grades of elementary school…


Together we made kites from paper and wooden slats, three-dimensional shapes… And they flew…

He ordered the lenses to make the telescope… When they arrived, we made it together… And looked at the stars…


One clear evening, my brother and I were looking at the big and bright Moon… My brother says: “That’s your Earth…”

“And where are we then”, I asked him…


We were looking for evidence of the origin of life…


Origin of life …

When we look at living beings, here on Earth, there are various groups…

From underground plant and animal life, through beings on Earth, to beings in the Air…


When I look at the plant kingdom itself, each plant is different… Each has its own shape, color and flower scent… Each has its own leaf shape, branch, height…


The same with animals… So many different shapes, sizes, natures, …

There are plants both underground and above ground, as well as animals, …


What does this mean… Why and how have all living things adapted to the environment in which they live…

Why are there no birds in the water, and no fish in the air… Or maybe there are, and we don’t know…


Most animals and plants have a similar way of reproduction, but also different depending on various circumstances…


I conclude that living beings were created from the same matter… As if some organic mass exploded, so some of its parts ended up in water, some on earth, and others in the air…


And each of those parts adapted to its circumstances…

I don’t believe that some God made us all…


The robots are coming …

And robots will be made by humans, if they haven’t already…

And, is…


Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my site, where I write about Origin of life as well as here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”

Business page:

And the Google:

star explosion

Problem/Location: Origin of life/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “…without borders…” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Google, Pinterest, Pixabay,












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