Wanted Dead or Alive…


“Speech of the dead…

Wrong upbringing, or…

Someone is raised by the family, and someone is raised by the street…


I’m afraid that these others will succeed better in life… While we were scraping our elbows from school and college desks, they had the school of life… Today they are soccer players, politicians in high positions, mobsters, and others…


We learn all our lives from textbooks, books, education, lectures… And they don’t…


Already in the first month of my first year of college, I took a picture at some Sarajevo fair and they applied my photo to some flag… on it, in addition to the inscription “Wanted Dead or Alive”, there was now also my picture…



Beautiful… I kept it for a long time and after college, it was in my living room… Hanging on the wall…

I don’t have it anymore… Too bad… I threw it away…


Dead or Alive?…

It’s relative… If politicians use the dead during Elections or Referendums, it’s mean… The same is true if they use the living in a mean way for political purposes…


Sometimes it’s good to pretend to be dead… Like some animals, when their lives are in danger… In the hope that the predator will think they’re dead, so they won’t touch them…



On the other hand, for some people, except for humanitarian reasons, it is a pity that they are no longer among the living because they would have a lot to say…


For some who died, the living would say: “It’s lucky that he died, he was saved… As for some politicians, doctors, professors or architects, who should be ashamed of their actions…


Luck or misfortune…

Luck for the wicked, misfortune for the honest…



Should we believe in the afterlife??? 


Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my site, where I write about Dead or Alive…, as well as here

FB Group: “Let’s arrange our city so that we love it more…”



Business page:


And the Google:


Problem/Location: Dead or Alive/World

I hope this content has helped you to think and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving such cases in your area…


In other words, do you have similar cases and how do you experience and solve them?


Conclusion: “Dead speech…” 


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo:  Pixabay, Google, 

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