Architectural tower in Vukovar …

Architectural Tower in Vukovar

Much is known about the war in Croatia and Vukovar

The Leaning architectural tower of Pisa and Vukovar …

The causes for the distortion of the towers in Pisa and Vukovar are different … In Pisa, probably due to the influence of groundwater and soil bearing capacity. While in Vukovar, as a result of war shelling …

The tower in Pisa is recognizable in most parts of the globe … It has its own history … It is located on various tourist brochures, catalogs, postcards, road maps, …

And from him, the Italians “live” …

And what about us … In Croatia


Architects and Tower, like Doctors and Patients …

We architects, we have a humanitarian activity … As well as doctors, we treat and heal various wounds on buildings … And we are emotionally attached to them.

So colleagues were among the first to offer a solution and heal wounds … Various wounds. From physical to psychological … As a failed plastic surgery of the face and the rest of the human body …

With a lot of visible open wounds … there is an architectural tower

Fellow builders patched up the spine of the Tower, to make it stable … to remind and defy, or …

Interior of the architectural tower …

Internal organs were repaired, healed, parts affected by cancer were replaced… The architectural tower has been improved…

And what about the citizens of Vukovar and its defenders. To those who defended Vukovar to the last drop of blood… What do they say… to the Tower…
Can they breathe when they see it or do they still have an elephant’s foot on their chest?

Do they see the inner and outer “light” of the architectural tower… Can we put it on the advertising material? Like the Italians, their Tower of Pisa…

What does the City, County, and State Administration say about that …

Architectural Tower/Internal-External links within this website:

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And Google page:,4290.html


Problem/Location: Architectural Tower/Vukovar, Croatia

I hope that this content helped you to look back at your monuments …

In other words, do you have similar cases in your city? How do you deal with that topic? 



Take care of your water towers, so that they do not become “ugly” monuments…

Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….

One picture, speaks more than 1000 words ... photo:

Vukovar water tower before war, Wikipediar tower before war, Wikipedia
Vukovar water tower before the war, Wikipedia


Whole Architectural Tower
Whole Architectural Tower Narodni list


Segment Architectural Tower
Segment-Architectural-Tower-photo T. Brnad


In night Architectural Tower
In night Architectural Tower, photo Marc Rowlands


Leaning tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Google

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