Award-winning ugly architecture …

Award-winning ugly architecture ...

At first glance, he always cheats …

I only won an award for an architectural project once …

Although I must admit, I rarely participated in competitions … Somehow I didn’t like it … It seemed like a complicated preparation … Or maybe because of my friend’s statement about 35 years ago …


When I was doing a public exhibition of its architectural achievements …


He said, as one painter asked another, why don’t you make an exhibition too … And this other one answered, and I don’t know why you make it …

I won the first and only victory in the competition in 1987 … for the pedestrian bridge over the railway in Slavonski Brod …


Ugly architecture…

For years, I followed the competitions in the field of architecture … Analyzed the reasons why certain works won … Some of the awarded buildings had the opportunity to use live …


I could graduate from the others, only through the media …


And the conclusion is the following… Apart from the fact that the buildings that win from the outside are not beautiful, harmonious, … they are not even functional from the inside …


Experts, artists, professionals, neglect the function …

Yes, and at the expense of functionality … Due to ignorance or intentional … I’m afraid they don’t think enough … Like fashion designers … Only that the creation is as crazy as possible, regardless of the fact that no one will wear it …

In Slavonski Brod, a well-known architect of landscape architecture worked on several parks … The paths in one park were made in a zigzag pattern. And in the association in the shape of a snake …


It is interesting for birds and for air passengers …


If you follow those paths, you can’t get where you planned … Unless you step on the grass … which is not in one of those parks … But small broken stones are sprinkled …

I would rather tear up her diploma if she has one than give her an award …


Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?


Ugly architecture/Internal-External links within this website:

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Problem/Location: Ugly architecture/City of Slavonski Brod, Croatia


I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of resolving the issue in your city …


The goal is to eliminate the shortcomings and live in a clean and healthy environment …

In other words, do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with that topic?



“An ordinary person should also be a member of the committee for evaluating architectural achievements …”


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo:




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