The cry of the Mother of God …

The cry of the Mother of God

Do we maintain the heritage …

Train ride, towards Zagreb …

I was very small … I traveled with my parents in Lika … At my uncle’s … Passing through Zagreb, through the window of the train compartment, I noticed the grayness of the buildings …

Yes, the buildings were gloomy, neglected, and gray … I remember that picture all my life … I don’t know why … Maybe it also influenced my choice to study architecture …


I remember exactly what I saw … Old buildings with old and unfinished facades … And neon lights in one business space… I guess it was the Project Bureau …

Hm … Project office …


Mother of God …

Today in my hometown Slavonski Brod … Not that it’s the same, not worse … Along with the city center and the promenade, there are a couple of streets that are located in a protected urban zone …

In those streets, there are old buildings, with beautiful architectural compositions… But with rotten and untidy facades … The plaster has fallen off … Well, some bricks …

The windows and doors are rotten and dilapidated … Nobody lives in most of them … They all moved somewhere a long time ago … And the houses remained, and they just fell into disrepair …

Owners who have an interest in landscaping, have no money … Those who have money, have no interest in landscaping …

The city administration is not really trying to help financially, those who have the will and have no money … Everything is the cry of the Mother of God …

How and what next …

It’s hard to be smart … Owners who live there and who care about their buildings, and have the money, arrange them … Others leave their buildings, so that time does its thing …

Or for a customer to show up …

Then this mutual deviation happens to us in the arrangement of the facades of the neighboring buildings … Like “Jing-Yang” …

The City Administration should financially help the owners of old buildings … Especially if the buildings are untidy in some important and important city locations …

To avoid “Zigzag” decorated facades … But I’m afraid they have no ear for it … and, they have money …

Strange … and maybe not …


And what does the City Administration do …

Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?


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Problem/Location: Mother of God/Croatia-Slavonski Brod

I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving problems in your city …


In other words, do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with that topic?



“In addition to arranging old buildings, care should be taken not to neglect newer buildings …


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Dusko Medakovic, Pixabay, 




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