„Fuck“ a wall with no more than 15 fascinating graffiti …

„Fuck“ a wall with no more than 15 fascinating graffiti

Children’s graffiti…


In my young days, girls drew squares along the footpath with white chalk…. “Schools” were played… That was the name of the game in which they jumped on one leg and then turned around…


play kids school chalk,
play kids school chalk, dnevni avaz


We boys had a “smarter” job with chalk we did a little painting on fences, building walls


I also remember when we were in the first grade of elementary school, we students had a competition in drawing with chalk on the asphalt… That was on our promenade in Slavonski Brod, which I wrote about HERE


We, all the children from all the schools, each on their own part of the promenade, had to draw something to their liking with white chalk (we didn’t have colored chalk yet)…


My school friend Zdravko, with whom I am still friends today, drew a Roman soldier, I remember exactly… he drew next to me…


And I of course drew and drew a house in some 3d spatial “axonometry”…


chalk on asphalt
chalk on asphalt, vesna m.


Filip Mrvelj, our resident, is a Croatian 3D Street Art artist who creates works of art around the world by painting with a special technique…


When such an image is viewed from a certain point or with the help of a lens, its display gives the impression that what the observer sees on that surface is accessible, real, and three-dimensional


3d street art
3d street art, filip mrvelj


SB Graffiti Fest …


It is one of the longest-running festivals in this area…


Participants of SB Graffiti Fest, in 2015, have made quality works so far and several murals that are quite attractive, such as the one with Croatian football players Mandžukic and Olic, at the Marsonia Stadium in Slavonski Brod


mural croatian footballers mandzukic olic
mural Croatian footballers mandzukic, olic, photo: ivica galovic pixsell


All such events take place in cooperation with the Brod-Posavina Police Department, the City Administration, and other institutions and the media…


The best domestic and international graffiti artists have been coming and working in Slavonski Brod for years…


In 2016, 12 graffiti artists from Serbia, Kosovo, Germany, and Croatia worked on this large graffiti, on the front of the building of 2 settlements in Slavonia I.

They drew the characters of Regoc and Kosjenka from the Fairy Tale of our writer Ivana Brlic Mažuranic …


It’s something, far nicer than what my neighbor did, why I wrote HERE


wall building
wall building


In 2020, for the thirteenth time in a row, SB Graffiti Fest was held in Slavonski Brod, organized by the Creative Youth Association


The festival took place on August 22 and 23, 2021, around the retaining walls of the underpass in Eugen Kumicica Street…


Slavonski Brod is among the last cities in terms of” pollution “with graffiti. Here and there you can see an example of the destruction of city property, but we do not support it,” said Zlatko Dujmic, president of the Creative Youth Association…


He is also a graffiti artist and participates in the arrangement of the city.


And last year came the famous names of the graffiti scene such as NIZE, Mr. Pain, Atek, Maska, Kocka, Rock, Seven, Nemar, Yunak, Meta, Show (Sles, Loose), while DJ Dida, Chiro, and Jaxx Pot took care of the music part of the program…


13.th sb graffiti fest
13.th sb graffiti fest


Here you can see architecture drawings, architecture photos, and graphite portfolio examples:


side walls








wall between underpass pillars
the wall between underpass pillars










creative youth association
creative youth association


City beach…


It is nice and nicer to see walls decorated with graffiti than to stay in their gray concrete or other material…

In addition to these high-quality graphic paintings, the walls of our city beach, along our bank of the Sava River are also beautifully painted…


city beach, music: Oriovacke kune, O moj Brode Slavonski…


Unfortunately, there are also inscriptions that we can’t really brag about and that insult our community and don’t speak well about the culture of some of our citizens …

Such individual outbursts exude nationalism, vulgarity, etc.… All citizens should protest against such “artists”.


I can always positively direct my creation, by joining various painting and graffiti sections, so that they can adequately contribute to the environment in which they live…


That part of the talent should be nurtured and perfected from an early age…


I hope this content has helped you look at painted surfaces from a different angle and recognize quality graffiti


Thematic examples are:









Do you have a picture and story of „graffiti“ in your city?

Either way, leave your comment.


Until reading …….


Write your impressions and questions or put pictures in the comment below:



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