How to find a place for off-season clothes?

How to find a place for off-season clothes


My people, I always said to my wife: If you had a big hall, you would always lack space for goods.

Of so many off-season clothes, there is no room for goods.



Not for clothes, not for shoes, not for off-season clothes and merchandise.

And my wife keeps telling me: I have nothing to wear, I have nothing to wear,….



 The problem of off-season clothing disposal



Summer clothes, summer shoes, winter clothes, winter shoes.

Swimsuits, trees, and decorations for Christmas, Easter, there is nothing missing.


There is a lack of space for off-season goods.


There is no other option but, Medaković, to think about how to solve the problem of disposing of off-season clothes and




side view of off-season clothes and goods storageđ
side view of off-season goods storageđ



Attic, but false, as a lifeline for off-season clothes …



We are in an apartment of 54 square meters.

Two male children, luckily they are not female, otherwise, we would need another apartment, just for the goods.


In the bathroom, there is no space.


In the hall all a lot.


Two bedrooms, closets full. Floors used, no room for any new closets. And the ceilings and ceilings are empty.

That’s the idea.


When there is no space on the floor there is it on the ceiling, but how to solve it? I can’t hang a closet that hangs from the ceiling.

Something on the ceiling, all right.



And only in the living room.


Living room 22 square meters 4 meters wide. Half of the living room ceiling area can be used to store off-season clothes.

That solution must be beautiful and functional.



And cheap.





open warehouses of off-season clothes and goods with a radiator,







under storage of off-season clothes and goods
under the storage of off-season clothes and goods


Storage material and design



The height of the living rooms is 260 cm.

The idea is to make an imitation of the attic on the ceiling. You know what, we’re on the second floor of an apartment building, and

There are two more floors above.


The “attic” must not interfere with normal communication and prevention of hitting the head.

For that storage of off-season clothes and goods, construction needs to be made. And the construction has to look nice.

It’s like you’re in the attic.


We have what in the attic?

Skylights. It must be, then, with us as well.

This ceiling box, an imitation of the attic, must be accessible in order to store off-season clothes and goods.


For the construction of the roof structure of a family house, wood is used. Wooden construction horns. I’ll do the same….

These horns must rest on the side wooden slats. The slats should be fixed to the sidewalls and support the wooden roof structure.


So we got a constructive framework.



How to line the bottom and side of the box for off-season clothes and goods, while keeping the material visually warm?

Well, wooden chipboard.

It would not be good with drywall, so as not to crack from the weight of the stored goods.




off-season clothes and goods in store
off-season clothes and goods in store



Electric lighting, openings, and coatings



There must also be electric lighting inside. We previously installed one light bulb.

To see inside, where is what is….

Exterior decorative LED lighting was also placed on the underside of the crate. There are two openings for access to

the box of off-season clothes and goods, ie imitation of the attic.


They are in the shape of a skylight and a classic hinged lid. One opens outwards and the other outwards.

Stored off-season goods must also be ventilated.


A side opening was left in the storage room for ventilation purposes. The wooden construction is represented by a dark green stain,

while the wooden chipboard is painted with the classic color for the walls.



the interior of the off-season goods space
the interior of the off-season goods space



the interior of the off-season goods space
the interior of the off-season clothes and goods space











Solved off-season clothes and goods, got a fantastic atmosphere…



Whoever comes to our apartment for the first time comments, so are you in the attic….

It’s just proof that the operation was a success and that the attic imitation is compelling.


On the glass of the roof window, with plastic self-adhesive foil, I made an imitation of the sky, clouds, birds…

In the evening, when the interior and exterior lights are turned on, you get a fantastic atmosphere and architecture design…


And resolved the disposal of off-season goods…

Here you can also read the blog on the topic of beautiful buildings, and bad furniture.

I hope I helped you with my own idea to solve the problem we all have…

These are my examples from the architecture portfolio

In one of the following Blogs, I will write to you about what else I used this imitation of the attic…



roof window of off-season goods storage at night
roof window of off-season clothes and goods storage at night




Thematic examples are:


Do you have pictures of your ideas for dealing with off-season disposal?

Either way, leave your comments and pictures.


Greetings …….

Write your impressions and questions in the comment below:

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