Are there any architectural hackers …


Architectural hackers

I remember that was a little over a year ago …


When I retired and Covid did his …

That’s why I ordered the creation of my website …


About architecture, of course … Architectural hackers didn’t occur to me …

Until a few days ago … Everything went wrong …


Hacker Architects …

The development of my website took about 6 months. Regardless of the fact that it was agreed in about 15 days. It started well, so I can’t finish it …

The web designer was from another city … We communicated via WhatsApp, e-mail, mobile phone …


The website didn’t work, as it should … And the web designer didn’t respond to my messages … He was not serious …

Among other things, the number of visitors to the website was not displayed … or maybe no one was watching it, except me … And my wife …


I started thinking about everything … And about Hackers …


Help with Facebook Group, WordPress Croatia, or “Architectural hackers” …

I decided to check with professionals … And in the Facebook Group

I posted a link to my website and a question: Why don’t I have review indicators, potential users …


There were cultural professional responses, too uncultured comments in terms of the creators of my website …

They attacked me like angry hyenas … “That the page is old-fashioned”, “Who did it …”, “It’s good if I did it”, “I hope you didn’t pay anything” …


I was shocked … Honor to individuals …

Ok, if it doesn’t work, give me a redesign offer … Only one member of the Group reported to Messenger …


I concluded that the others are just criticizing, and they don’t know enough about the job they do …

I asked some of them to send me one of their websites that they created … Only 1-2 submitted it to me … Others nothing …


Do Hackers hate Architects and Architecture…

I arranged a deal with the sole bidder… I got bored… After the redesign of the website was ready, I republished it…

This timeless criticism from professionals… There were a few remarks of a technical / IT nature, from other professionals from the Group…


He was convincing to me… I gave him a chance to “fix” some things… He didn’t start well from the start… He changed some things for me, which the previous web designer warned me about…


And, one morning my website “bursts”… My last “expert”, says the expired license for a Plugin…
I contact the predecessor and put it back in the Group… No license doesn’t matter…


Some members of the Group offered me free help… I thanked them. But still asked for free from his predecessor, the last expert who fixed it for me … Congratulations to the individuals …


What and why it happened… Who knows that… Probably the man has something against us architects … Or someone persuaded him to do it on purpose …
Maybe an architectural hacker …

Or simply, the man is not yet up to serious work…


He pointed out the inaccuracy to the members of that Group … That’s why the administrator expelled me from the Group… Hacker or?


Architectural hackers/Internal-External links within this website:

Visit my similar pages:

open here, open here


Business page:

And Google page:


Problem/Location: Architectural hackers/Web

I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

The goal is to eliminate flaws and avoid architectural hackers


In other words, do you have similar experiences and how did you deal with them? 



It remains unclear why some “experts” interfere in a job they are not up to. Why are they living on us laymen?

And why do most “experts” act like a pack of bloodthirsty hyenas…


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Dusko Medakovic,


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