Another Peljesac bridge in Croatia…


Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge over Troubled Water…

An old idea…

“It is about a decades-old idea of ​​connecting the south of Croatia with the rest of the country. That Bosnia and Herzegovina cut the Croatian coast in two in Neum.

In order not to pass through the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is planned to build a bridge that would connect the Peljesac peninsula and the Croatian mainland.

The problem with the construction of the bridge arose from the fact that Croatia violates the maritime rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina by building it. Because it closes the waterway from Neum to open waters.”


Preparations for the construction of the Peljesac bridge…

“In December 2006, BiH and Croatia reached a full agreement on the construction of a bridge with changed dimensions. The changes were made in accordance with the requirements of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


It is planned that the height of the bridge will be increased to 55 meters, and the span between the pillars will be extended to 200 meters.

Expanded dimensions allow the passage of even the largest ships. The BiH Council of Ministers appointed members to the joint commission, while Croatia refused to do so.”


The designer of the bridge is Slovenian civil engineer Marjan Pipenbaher.

Unfortunately, he didn’t give anything we haven’t seen before. He should have hired an architect, who would certainly have provided something more creative and unusual…


“The Peljesac bridge is one of the five largest European bridges across sea bays. It was built at the beginning of the 21st century and belongs to the world-class,” said Pipenbaher.

He added that the biggest challenge was the design of the foundation. It is exposed to winds and is located in a seismic area.”


Politics in the profession…

“Due to the global economic crisis, in May 2012, Croatia suspended construction.

In June 2017, the European Union gave Croatia 375 million euros to continue building the Peljesac Bridge. This amount covers 85 percent of the total construction costs. SDA, DF. And SDS together asked the International Community to stop the project.


On September 28, the House of Peoples of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Peljesac Bridge. Bosnia and Herzegovina officially opposed its construction.


The Peljesac bridge should be built right next to the BiH border in Maloston Bay and passes over the Neretva Canal. It should have 4 traffic lanes. The total length is 2,404 meters, the width is 21 meters, and the height is 55 meters. The longest span is 568 meters.


The total value of the project is about 420 million euros. These costs include the construction of the Peljesac bridge, access roads, and the Ston bypass.”


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“Bridges should connect, not separate…


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One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … Photo: AFP,


Peljesac-bridge-location_photo afp
Peljesac-bridge-location_photo afp




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