The architectural landscape is also arranged by Aliens …

alien architectural landscape roundway hill
Protohumans could draw on the walls of caves. Well, then the Aliens can also edit the architectural landscape

The architectural landscape of protohumans and natives…

And they, although they lived in caves and rainforests, arranged their environment … In accordance with their intellectual level, needs, and handy material …

They made sure it was nice and comfortable for them… And around the cave and in the rainforest …

Natives, I believe and still enjoy their landscape


The architectural landscape of modern man in the modern world…

Today, even in less urbanized areas, the landscape is taken into account … Everything is foreseen by urban plans…

It seems to me that smaller environments are more humane than in big cities …


The problem is larger cities with higher population density.

The architectural landscape must be arranged in several places …

It is done for the anticipated needs of its citizens and other users…


You need to plan and build a lot of parks, green areas, trees, water.

As well as playgrounds, recreational areas, and other facilities…

And that’s how it’s done, or not…


Do Aliens also help us in arranging the architectural landscape?

I look at some geometric ornaments in the photos. In the wheat field. That’s it …

If so, thank them for that…



From apes, they became proto-humans, natives, then humans, then aliens… Or was it in reverse order?


Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?

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I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action. From apes to proto-humans. Natives, humans, then aliens …


The goal is to eliminate deficiencies and live in a clean and healthy environment …

Do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with the landscape?


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….

One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Google,,

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