Gypsy settlement in the city center …


Honest Gypsies citizens …

Imitating Gypsies …

As small children, we often made huts in our yard … From cardboard, of course … not real … Our construction was made of tree branches, connected by wire …

We made the outer mantle and the roof from cardboard boxes …


My neighbor and friend Tošo was a real master at it … Each of us children wanted to be with him in the group for making cardboard huts …




Well, because he worked those huts best and with love … The whole yard was like a gypsy settlement for us … We spent days, almost nights in them …

Until one of the adults removed them from us because they bothered them …


Gypsy settlement …

On the outskirts of the town of Slavonski Brod, there is a gypsy settlement … I was there about 5-6 years ago, several times officially … While I was still working in the City Administration …


There, as if an atomic bomb had just fallen … There is clutter, garbage, and dirt everywhere … Family houses are closed as if my friend Tošo worked on them …


Combined, made of almighty material … Brick, concrete, wood, sheet metal, cardboard, plastic, stone, …

Dogs, run freely on dusty roads, and insidiously approach behind their backs … You have to constantly follow and keep an eye on them …


Gypsies are cheerful, hospitable, and benevolent …

Their houses are kitschy inside … Overcrowded with various things, which do not fit together, but who cares …


It is important that it is colorful …


Catering terraces in the city center …

It’s as if my friend Tošo edited them …

On our promenade in the city center, there are about twenty cafes … During the summer, all terraces are open and full … All day and almost night …


Most of the terraces are decorated with typical classic tables and chairs, suitable for terraces in the city center …


A few of them stand out from the rest … They should be placed in a private yard, forest, mountain lodge, village, or Gypsy settlement …

The mistake is in the competent administration, which does not control or silently allows it … We are making a bigger village from the city center than it is …


Why does the City Administration not regularly maintain/control it?


Gypsies settlement/Internal-External links within this website:

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Problem/Location: Gypsy settlement/Croatia-Slavonski Brod

I hope this content has helped you look back and take appropriate action.

Of course, with the competent services in charge of solving problems in your city …


In other words, do you have similar cases in your city and how do you deal with that topic?



“Nothing, against Gypsies citizens … any comparison with them is offensive to them …


Write your impressions, questions, or pictures in the comment below …

Until reading …….


One picture, speaks more than 1000 words … photo: Dusko Medakovic, Pixabay, 






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